Framework for Data Protection

Here, please find the details of our framework for protecting the privacy of our customers.

Advisory Board for Privacy

LY Corporation has established an "Advisory Board for Privacy" comprised of experts in order to check LY Corporation's handling of privacy from a third-party perspective, and regularly receives valuable opinions from the Board.


Information security measures

LY Corporation conducts information security measures to continue providing services that can be used safely and securely to our customers. For details, please refer to Privacy and Security.


Measures against unauthorized acts

LY Corporation monitors and analyzes unauthorized activities and conducts countermeasures, etc. for our customers and partners.


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For these countermeasures, we gather and use various personal data acquired from browsers and apps, and may provide these data to third parties for measures against unauthorized acts.
For this purpose, personal data is provided not only to our partners, but also to law enforcement authorities. When providing personal data to third parties for the purpose of countermeasures against unauthorized acts, we restrict the use purpose in our contracts and endeavor to conduct technical measures so that the provided personal data will not be used for purposes other than the measures against unauthorized activities.

To protect yourself from ID thefts

Customers may suffer losses when other people abuse the customers’ LINE account. In order to protect our customers’ LINE accounts and passwords from being abused, LY Corporation introduces a guide containing security measures that can be undertaken immediately. For details, please refer to Everyone’s Guide to How to Use LINE.


Safety of data pathways

LY Corporation encrypts the communication pathway between LY Corporation and our customers using a robust structure in order to prevent third parties from stealing and altering Customer Data.


Strict management of personal information

Access authorities to our Customer Data are restricted to minimum possible in our system. In addition, our Customer Data is stored in a heavily protected physical location, and there is a structure in place so that only limited persons can handle such data.
Even in cases where services for the handling of personal information are entrusted, strict items to be checked are established and inspections are periodically conducted as to whether such companies are taking proper safety control measures, including organizational and physical measures.


Framework to protect data

In order to protect our Customer Data, we have appointed a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), a Chief Data Officer (CDO), and a Data Protection Officer (DPO).


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CISO (Chief Information Security Officer)

In order to promote the security measures mentioned above, we have appointed a CISO and persons responsible for information security for each organization. We make sure to thoroughly conduct organizational measures to protect our Customer Data in all scenes.

CDO (Chief Data Officer)

We have appointed a CDO in order to promote the use of data while observing laws and regulations and giving consideration to privacy.

DPO (Data Protection Officer)

We have appointed a DPO for the purpose of promoting the appropriate use of data. To meet this purpose, the DPO gives advice on the protection of Customer Data handled by LY Corporation from an objective and neutral standpoint and monitors usage.

We ensure strict management of data so that our customers can use our services safely and comfortably.