Provision of Personal Data

Here, please find the details on how we connect data with our Group Companies and partner companies.

”Data provison” refers to the provision of personal data as provided in Privacy Policy 5.

Privacy protection in data provision

For LY Corporation, protection of our customers' privacy and the necessary information security measures are the top priority. Based on this top priority, we connect group companies and partners with [personal data] in the following instances in order to provide better services to our customers.
Furthermore, the group companies and partners include third parties located overseas. Please refer to the following regarding countries and region names with which the subject data will be connected.


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We regard that the data generated by our customers' use of LY Corporation's services belong to the customers. Therefore, respecting the privacy of our customers, as well as protecting the privacy information from threats such as unauthorized use, is our mission, and we are making constant efforts to improve information security. Based on such understanding and only when customers' consent is obtained, the following data provision is conducted in order to provide better services to our customers.

To cooperate with group companies and partners to provide services smoothly

In order to provide services such as responding to customer inquiries smoothly, there may be instances where LY Corporation will entrust some services to certain group companies and partners and cooperate with them to handle services. Such entrusted companies will use the customers’ personal data pursuant to LY Corporation’s instructions to perform the services on behalf of LY Corporation.


To improve/enhance the group companies’ services

There may be instances where LY Corporation will share and use personal data between the group companies.
For example, when opening a LINE Pay account (or when registering for LINE Pay), we will share information such as the phone number that the customer registered with the LINE account with LINE Pay in order to facilitate the entering of required information.
Group companies that are subject to shared use can be confirmed on the Group Companies List.


To improve/enhance the Services

LY Corporation may, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, provide personal data of customers to third parties including partners to the extent required, upon removing information that can directly identify specific customers, such as names, addresses and detailed location information, or messages in the communication app LINE, in the following instances:


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LY Corporation will connect personal data with third parties including partners when it is deemed necessary for the following purposes:

  1. To improve the quality of LY Corporation's services and products
  2. To verify LY Corporation's new services
  3. To prevent unauthorized use
  4. To provide to research institutions for surveys/research/analysis

If you have given an individual consent

If separate terms and conditions are agreed upon for individual Services, the agreed upon terms and conditions shall take precedence.
The following are typical examples.


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■ Data use in individual applications

Information and data tied to the customer’s LINE account are permitted to be used in applications and services based on the customer’s consent. Please review the following for details.

Communication app LINE-related services