When using personal data
LY Corporation uses the acquired personal data to provide the Services*1, to study improvements and new Services, and to investigate and analyze the usage of the Services. In addition, when a customer's personal information is provided to a third party, in principle, LY Corporation does so with the consent of the customer.
For more information on the use of personal data, please refer to "Examples of use" below.

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There may be cases in which LY Corporation provides personal data to a third party according to the provisions of the Privacy Policy. However, when we actually disclose the personal data, we do so after we remove personally identifiable information, such as names and addresses, as well as special care-required personal information, and information such as messages, communicating parties, and send/receipt times as to the communication app LINE, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations or when we separately obtain the consent of the customer.
Even in such cases, LY Corporation provides personal data to a third party within the necessary limits after carefully assessing the impact on the customer's privacy and comprehensively considering matters such as: a) the necessity and method of disclosure to the third party (e.g. whether to provide the data by granting limited access rights only to this third party on LY Corporation's system instead of granting physical access to the data, or physically providing the information itself, etc.); b) the safety management measures put in place by this third party; and c) the relationship between LY Corporation and this third party (e.g. the relationship between the service provided by LY Corporation and the service provided by this third party, the existence of capital ties, etc.).
Furthermore, LY Corporation takes the utmost care to prevent personal data from being used to the disadvantage of customers, such as fraud and infringement of privacy, by establishing internal regulations.
*1 “Services” means all services including products, apps, services, and websites, provided by LY Corporation. Furthermore, the Services include services, products, advertisements, and contents for partners*2 and for customers other than the customer themselves.
*2 “Partner” means a group company (which means a subsidiary or affiliate of LY Corporation, and the definition includes subsidiaries and affiliates located outside of Japan, in accordance with the “Regulation on Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Financial Statements” of Japan) and information provider, advertiser, ad distributor, and other partner.